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We are here to educate the new generations of Romanian florists.
 Join the floral designers who are already living their dream.
      We all want to live our dream, to profit from the passion we have and to live a life full
      Whether you dream of opening a flower shop, launching your new event and organization agency or revitalizing a breath of fresh air to the business you already have, the path to success can be difficult.
      If you do not master the secrets of this job and if you are not well educated and trained by professionals in the field, you can fail the chance to truly enjoy the growth and quality of life you desire.
      Through the courses and coaching programs we support, we offer the necessary solutions for you to gain the trust and support that you need in your business.
      For two years we have been organizing exclusive events and not only that, in the last 5 years we have chosen to organize very large weddings throughout the country and not only in
Bucharest and since then we have started the series of courses and workshops unique in structure.
      We are proud of the fact that many students who have participated in our course modules already have successful businesses in this domain and everyone benefits from our support whenever they need it.



Claudia - Anthurium Flowers

Alina is a mentor dear to my soul, who helped me develop both professionally and personally at the same time. Taking part in Alina's classes, I learned and discovered new techniques, which helped me progress and overcome certain barriers. Thank you for your hosting and for having the honor of meeting you.


Irina- Flor Studio 57

The best courses because you can put into practice what you have learned very quickly and easily


A talented teacher with special pedagogical skills


"Ză Best" masterclasses I've ever attended.


Ramona - Flori Poznase

With Alina I met many times on my path as a florist: we share the same passion for scented roses, as a supplier of the finest flowers and last year I attended a course at the Hilton, obviously with magical and scented flowers.

Although I have been active in the field for 7 years and every year I participate in courses in the country or abroad, the way in which Alina holds the courses is completely special, in which the secrets of flowers are shared with warmth and professionalism.

Even if you think you already know them all or that you are doing very well, you will definitely find out a lot of new information, which will make your activity as a florist easier and will help you take your business to the next level.

I warmly recommend the courses taught by Alina.

And I'm looking forward to a new course with our favorite perfumers.

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-07 at

Monica Angheloiu

I don't believe in coincidences! I think that things happen for a specific purpose and people meet for various reasons: but most of the time we meet people because we have something to offer or receive from them. 
I have known Alina for over 3 years, when I enrolled in one of her courses in search of answers related to the flower business. 
After 2 days of the course, in an impeccable location, with impeccable services and with a quiver of new techniques and information like a gold mine, I said: this woman will change my life!!!! And so it was. Thanks to her and I'm not only talking about her professionalism, the passion and care with which she does her job, but especially thanks to her openness to offer/share with others everything she knows, I have grown a lot as a professional in a very short time .
But I am just one of the many examples. A woman who raises professionals, but especially people and changes the lives of those she meets "by chance". 
For me, Alina opens doors, minds and hearts, one by one.

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